#X wing cockpit labeled full
In Pablo Hidalgo’s Rogue One Ultimate Visual Guide, the full model name for the X-wing is given as the T-65C-A2. The C-A2 has only three confirmed appearances in the old EU. I realize that I already included this image in my last Artist Spotlight, but since this is the image Wookieepedia uses, I’ll use it too. However, as it was a newer model than the T-65B, it never saw as wide a rollout. This variant of the X-wing was another one that saw heavy use by the Rebels. First appearing in the Black Fleet Crisis novels, the Recon-X has since gone on to have several appearances in comics and novels since then. The ship also had a baradium charge to self-destruct, if the situation called for it. The use of the purge stick would also eject a suicide needle that could quickly kill the pilot, if need be. A purge stick carried by the pilot could be inserted in to the cockpit console to clear the system, along with the activation of a charge to destroy the on-board R2-R unit (incidentally, the R2-R was hugely important in the operation of the Recon-X, doing almost more work than the pilot). A vast improvement over the Y-wing Longprobe, the Snoopscoot also had several unique countermeasures in case of capture. At the cost of its proton torpedo tubes, the Snoopscoot gained a high tech sensor package, several reconnaissance imaging systems, and a HoloNet or Hypercomm relay synched to the hyperdrive, allowing the pilot to immediately begin transmitting live information back to command upon entering realspace. Luke Skywalker flew a T-65B in the Battle of Yavin.Īlso known as the Recon-X or Snoopscoot, this variant was designed (obviously) for recon work. It featured controls similar to several civilian craft, to aid pilots’ ease of use. Thr T-65B was the main version of the X-wing used by the Rebellion around the time of the Battle of Yavin. Much faster than the T-65 (on par with the A-wing, actually), the AC4 was better armored, more heavily armed, and thanks to a new cockpit layout, much easier to fly. Designed by Incom to allow the X-wing to compete with more advance starfighters, such as the E-wing, the AC4 had many improvements over the standard model. The T-65AC4 has no actual appearances, but was described at length in several sourcebooks.

It was described as having better shields, laser cannons, and targeting computer than standard. The T-65A3 appeared in a few New Jedi Order novels, flown by Rogue Squadron. No information was given on what differentiated it from the standard model. The T-65A2 appeared in only The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force, flown by members of Twin Sun Squadron. There are several ships with the T-65A designation, all with few appearances and no visual depiction. Though the base T-65 wasn’t the most used variety of X-wing during the Galactic Civil War, it deserves note for being the starfighter that started it all. After the prototypes were taken by the Alliance, mass production started as the X-wing went on to become the premier starfighter of the Rebellion. Featuring shields, a hyperdrive, and two proton torpedo tubes, the success of the T-65 inspired the Empire to create several TIE variants to better counter the T-65. Taking heavy design cues from the earlier ARC-170 and Z-95 Headhunter, the T-65 outclassed the TIE Fighter in almost every regard. The T-65 X-wing was the base model of the X-wing starfighter. With just a couple of exceptions, of course, all of these variants exist only in the EU and are now noncanon.

In the same vein as all of the other previous Starfighter Week posts, I thought I’d run through the numerous X-wing variants out there. Created by Incom Corporation for the Empire, but brought to the Rebels after the defection of Incom’s entire engineering corps, the X-wing saw service over a span of decades, with numerous variations on the classic design being released to keep it relevant. Both in the real world and the Star Wars galaxy, it serves as an icon of the Rebellion, its use at the Battle of Yavin the stuff that legends are made of. The X-wing is, without a doubt, the most iconic starfighter to emerge from Star Wars.